CdLS Foundation UK and Ireland
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» Research
Online Teacher Training Videos (March 2024)
Sleep Study in CdLS (February 2024)
Mental Health in CdLS (February 2024)
BEOND Study (May 2023)
Emotional & Social Wellbeing (March 2023)
Participation Opportunity: Social Difficulties in Children with CdLS (April 2021)
Research study: Assessment tools for emotional distress in children with learning disabilities (February 2020)
Aston University Anxiety Research (May 2019)
Another CdLS Gene Discovered (February 2018)
Research Projects at Guildford Conference (March 2016)
Study on CdLS People with a Change in Gene SMC1A (November 2015)
Important Research from Cerebra (October 2015)
Research into hospital experiences with CdLS (May 2015)
New research. Social development in CdLS (June 2014)
Foundation backs research work (January 2003)
Mice clue to CdLS gene (October 2002)
Research blow as funding faces axe (October 2000)
Hunt goes on for gene clues (July 2000)
Click the links on the right to read the stories.